

Project TeenBook! - Development Consortium’s latest hangout!

TeenBook is a safe space and India's first comprehensive and dynamic digital resource hub on life skills education for teenagers, parents and educators. It aims to bring a mindset shift towards supporting our children with their emotional, social and behavioural health well-being and not just a single-minded focus on their academic or professional excellence. It provides knowledge and information to help learn the most important life skills that can go a long way in helping children have a more affirmative approach towards their own identity and understanding healthy choices, managing emotions, navigating relationships, understanding consent, working effectively with others and taking responsible decisions.

All our material is carefully designed for parents and educators and aims to provide information and guidance to strengthen the quality of their communication and relationships with adolescents. It complements Rashtriya Kishor Swasthya Karyakram (RKSK) initiative of the Government of India.

We design and offer need-based training to parents, educators, institutes and communities. The training and workshops will help educators/teachers (both pre-service and in-service), understand and implement communication and instructional designs within their lesson plans with the ultimate goal of nurturing adolescents’ social, emotional, and behavioural learning.

To integrate this learning with other subjects in education, TeenBook will offer a package of services to schools. TeenBook has also devised workshops for parents to help them understand how best to support their children and create an environment of trust, respect and support. The training will also offer knowhow and practical skills that would enable parents to have difficult conversations with their children.

TeenBook will also offer specially designed training to adolescents and teenagers to help develop their competencies in all aspects of life skills learning. These workshops will be fun and engaging and help teens understand and work through on specific issues that they might be bothering them now or develop capacities to deal with pressure they might face in the future.

For more information, visit